
I’ve been tagged by Michelle! I have to share seven “weird” things about myself, and then pick seven people I’d like to know more about, leaving links to their blogs. Here goes nothing…

1. I will drive up to two miles out of my way to avoid making left turns. It’s odd, I know, but what can I say?

2. I was born at home, my mom’s third daughter, and my dad’s fifth. They share one other girl, so I have only one “full” sibling.

3. My family calls me Annie instead of my actual name, Andrea.

4. I took five years of singing lessons in junior high/high school.

5. I hate those refrigerated biscuit cans that you have to peel until they pop. I have to close my eyes and hold my breath until they’re open, or make my husband do it!

6. One of my eyes is smaller than the other one.

7. I hardly ever wear makeup. For one thing, it just feels weird on my face. For another thing, it makes the different sizes of my eyes look even more apparent.


Now, I have to tag seven people that I’d like to know more about:

1. Jen E

2. Caryn

3. Nicole

4. P.S. He Loves You

5. Jenni

6. Nell

7. Mom2My9


You’ve been tagged!! Go! 🙂

Now that I’m looking into buying my purchasing a domain, I’ve been seriously researching different design companies, and one of my favorites is Ruby & Roja. To celebrate that they’re “all grown up”, they’re giving away a free blog design ($70 value!) to one lucky winner. I would be so pumped to win this!! All of their designs are fantastic, but my favorite are the Lovely designs. Enter now, because the contest ends August 17th!

In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is a time to relax and look forward to the weekend. Kailani from An Island Life is bringing a little of the Aloha Spirit to the blogosphere by hosting Aloha Friday each week. Surf on over there to see how you can get involved!

Here’s my Aloha Friday Question:


I once read that 90% of blog readers are lurkers: they read blogs but very seldom leave comments. Here’s my question: How often could you be classified as a lurker?

Don’t be a lurker! Leave your answer below!!

My answer: I try not to be a lurker if at all possible. I always try to leave a thoughtful comment if I can think of one. I’ve learned that leaving intelligent comments on other blogs is a great way to network and connect with other bloggers out there.